Monday, 23 August 2010


Group Says It Doesn’t Share Views of Holocaust Denier

ROME — A schismatic Roman Catholic society that Pope Benedict XVI recently rehabilitated apologized to the pope on Tuesday and distanced itself from the comments of one of its members, who has denied the Holocaust.

On Saturday, the pope revoked the excommunication of four bishops from the St. Pius X Society, including Bishop Richard Williamson, who said in a television interview last week that there was no historical evidence for the Nazi gas chambers. The pope’s decision has angered Jewish and liberal Catholic groups, among others.

In a letter dated Tuesday and released by the Vatican, the director of the St. Pius X Society, Bishop Bernard Fellay, said that Bishop Williamson’s statements “do not reflect the position of the society.” He added that the group had been “saddened” by the repercussions of Bishop Williamson’s remarks and the damage they had done to its mission.

“We ask forgiveness of the supreme pontiff and all the men of good will for the dramatic consequences of this act,” he wrote.

In revoking the excommunications of the four bishops, the pope has shined a light on a small, traditionalist society that is little known beyond the inner circles of the Roman Catholic Church.

The St. Pius X Society is a traditionalist group whose 600 priests and 400,000 adherents represent the far right of the world’s one billion Catholics. It was founded in 1970 by a French archbishop, Marcel Lefebvre, in staunch opposition to the modernizing reforms of the Second Vatican Council, also known as Vatican II, including its commitment to ecumenicism, the celebration of Mass in the language of the worshipers, and a greater role for laity and women.

As pope, Benedict has made reaching out to the society an important personal cause, and the Vatican views any reconciliation as an internal matter. Yet in revoking the excommunications, some say he has given another sign that he may be rolling back Vatican II reforms, though he has denied such fears in the past.

Based in Switzerland, the group was named after Pope Pius X, who reigned from 1903 to 1914 and saw the church as a bulwark against modernity.

The group’s founding documents, available on its Web site, paint a picture of a group deeply at odds with contemporary society, nostalgic for the French monarchy and hostile toward Jews, Muslims and the Vatican itself, some of whose pronouncements Archbishop Lefebvre called “satanic.”

The society has “always refused to follow the Rome of neo-Modernist and neo-Protestant tendencies which were clearly evident in the Second Vatican Council and, after the Council, in all the reforms which issued from it,” Archbishop Lefebvre wrote in a “rebuttal to modernism” in 1974.

The archbishop was reprimanded by two popes for consecrating priests according to earlier norms without Vatican approval. Pope John Paul II finally excommunicated him and the four bishops in 1988.

The following year, a Vichy war criminal, Paul Touvier, was found hiding in a Nice monastery run by Archbishop Lefebvre and arrested. He was later sentenced to life in prison for crimes against humanity.

Benedict revoked the excommunication of the Lefebvrists as a step toward the men’s full restoration to the church, but their status has yet to be determined. If he does reinstate them, the church will have to contend with the anger stemming from Bishop Williamson’s statements.

The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said Saturday that the bishop’s comments had nothing to do with the pope’s decision, and that the Vatican did not “share in any way” his views.

The St. Pius X Society is particularly opposed to the Vatican II reforms that softened the church’s age-old teaching that Jews had killed Christ.

In a letter to Germany’s 27 official bishops in October, the director of the society’s German branch, the Rev. Franz Schmidberger, wrote that Jews “are not ‘our older brothers in faith,’ ” as Pope John Paul II said in his historic visit to the Rome synagogue in 1986.

Instead, Father Schmidberger wrote, “for as long as they do not distance themselves from their forefathers’ guilt through the avowal of Christ’s divinity and baptism, they are complicit in the deicide,” according to a copy of the letter available on the society’s Web site.

In response, the bishop of Hamburg, Hans-Jochen Jaschke, took pains to distance the mainstream Catholic Church from the society, according to German news media reports.

Then came last week’s revocations, which erupted into a global controversy. Some said welcoming the Lefebvrists was a sign that Benedict was moving the goal posts, making ultraconservatives look moderate and moderates seem progressive.

“By having the traditionalists on his right flank, it gives Benedict a lot more room to push his conservative view of Vatican Council II without seeming like an archconservative himself,” said David Gibson, the author of “The Rule of Benedict: Pope Benedict XVI and His Battle With the Modern World.”

Laurie Goodstein contributed reporting from New York.


Published: January 27, 2009



Lefebvrite Priest Excommunicated from Greek Catholic Church

12.02.2004, [19:22] // UGCC //

During a press conference on 10 February 2004 in western Ukrainian Lviv, Cardinal Lubomyr Husar, head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (UGCC), announced that Fr. Vasyl Kovpak, an adherent of the so called Lefebvrite movement, no longer belongs to the UGCC.

“Fr. Vasyl Kovpak, former administrator of the Church of Sts. Peter and Paul in Lviv’s Riasne neighborhood, of his own free will has ceased to belong to the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, and the Catholic Church in general,” said Cardinal Husar.

“Despite his declarations of faithfulness to the Pope of Rome and the Major Archbishop of the UGCC, he recognized the uncanonical foreign Bishop Bernard Fellay, who does not recognize the authority of the Pope of Rome and is not united with the Catholic Church,” said Cardinal Husar.

In addition, Cardinal Husar stressed that Vasyl Kovpak and his followers are always welcome to return to the UGCC on condition that they renounce their connection with Bishop Fellay.

RISU Note:

The so-called Lefebvrite movement, or the Society of St. Pius X, unites Catholic clergy who have refused to accept some decisions of the Second Vatican Council. The movement, started by Swiss Bishop Charriere on 1 December 1970, was then led by French Bishop Marcel Lefebvre. Today, the movement has a developed international network and unites approximately 440 priests in 55 countries throughout the world. Its current leader is Bishop Bernard Fellay.

In Ukraine, the movement spread in the early 1990s, when Fr. Jean-Marc Rulleau, an official representative of the Society of St. Pius X, came to the country. The idea of the society found support among some faithful of the UGCC who were attached to certain Latin-rite practices that were preserved in the underground period and to the Old Church Slavonic language. After the Second Vatican Council, the UGCC began using the modern Ukrainian language in the liturgy, instead of the classical Old Church Slavonic language that had been used for centuries. The traditionalists did not accept changes in the liturgy, in particular “cleansing” the rite of Latin practices that had come into usage and what they called the “ukrainianization” of the liturgy.

In 1999, three Ukrainian priests asked Bishop Fellay to become the spiritual leader of traditionalist priests in Ukraine. During Bishop Fellay’s visit to Ukraine in November 2000, Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary, not approved by the UGCC, was dedicated and eight seminarians began study there. Under the leadership of Bishop Fellay, a congregation of Basilian Sisters of the Divine Mercy has also opened.

In 2000, the first retreat was held for followers of the Lefebvrite movement, in which over 100 people took part. In September of that year, the Society of St. Josaphat was formed, and now consists of seven priests. This society is a church structure under the spiritual care of Bishop Fellay and today is headed by Fr. Kovpak. Its members maintain that they recognize Pope John Paul II as the head of their church and mention him during religious services. However, they also state that the activities of their organization are aimed against certain tendencies in the church which, according to them cause, are harmful to it.

The society is active in the western Ukrainian Lviv and Ivano-Frankivsk regions and recently has been expanding its activities to eastern and southern regions of Ukraine, working among the Orthodox faithful.




Sunday, 22 August 2010







Grandes marcas de calçado trocam China por Portugal

Gigante asiático tem revelado problemas na qualidade e cumprimento de prazos

As grandes marcas internacionais estão a reforçar a produção de calçado em Portugal, em detrimento da China. Problemas de qualidade e de incumprimento dos prazos de entrega estão na base desta mudança, avança o «Jornal de Notícias».

«O que se sente é que as empresas que foram para a China estão a voltar. Há cerca de um ano começámos a sentir isso e este ano foi mais forte», adianta André Fernandes, da Fábrica de Calçado Evereste. Nesta empresa, as marcas próprias Cohibas, Evereste, Fugato e Chibs são o principal motor das vendas, mas, explica André Fernandes, «estamos a ser muito solicitados tanto em linhas desportivas como de estilo por marcas europeias para a produção de pequenas séries».

O optimismo é sentido também na Netos Fábrica de Calçado que produz sobretudo para outras marcas. «Os grandes grossistas holandeses que importavam muito da China estão a regressar, porque querem mais qualidade», refere Domingos Neto, acrescentando que o investimento em equipamentos de ponta foi essencial para dar resposta «aos grossistas que querem grandes quantidades e a outros clientes de pequenas séries».

Adidas, Nike, ARmani ou Prada são alguns exemplos

São insígnias como a Nike, Adiddas, Le Coq Sportif, Armani, Prada ou Versace que olham de novo para a indústria portuguesa de calçado porque na Ásia nem tudo corre bem.

«Decisões de colecções a longo prazo com os riscos consequentes de erro em produtos moda, maior dificuldade de acesso ao crédito, despesas financeiras com a manutenção de stocks, problemas de qualidade e fiabilidade nas entregas nos prazos correctos», são para Américo Pinto, da Jefar Indústria de Calçado, as razões que estão a trazer as grandes marcas de novo para o nosso país. Na Jefar, que tem a marca Pratik, 90% da produção é para private label (subcontratação) e, adianta Américo Pinto, este ano, «têm sido muito sondados para produções orientadas para o preço».

É que também neste caso há mudanças. Cerca de 85% do que a indústria de calçado portuguesa exporta é calçado em couro e é neste segmento que a China faz mais concorrência às nossas empresas. No entanto, o preço praticado nos dois países tem vindo a aproximar-se cada vez mais.


Saturday, 21 August 2010


Deco acredita que Banco de Portugal vai anular cláusulas abusivas nos créditos

A Deco Proteste manifestou hoje a convicção de que o Banco de Portugal irá anular, “em breve”, as cláusulas abusivas que algumas instituições bancárias estão a introduzir nos contratos relativos ao crédito à habitação.

“Creio que o Banco de Portugal, quando fizer alguma coisa, será no sentido de informar os bancos de que esse tipo de cláusulas são inadmissíveis e sem validade”, afirmou o economista da Deco Proteste, João Fernandes.

Desde há cerca de um ano que a Deco Proteste tem recebido reclamações de vários clientes de três instituições bancárias portuguesas, relativas à introdução de uma cláusula no contrato do crédito à habitação, a qual permite que os bancos possam alterar os juros acordados com os clientes, em caso de alterações ocorridas nos mercados financeiros.

“Isto permitiria aos bancos, de forma discricionária, alterar as taxas de juro que estão subjacentes ao crédito à habitação, o que é uma situação inaceitável”, explicou João Fernandes, confirmando que a situação foi já reportada ao Banco de Portugal.

“Não se pode deixar à arbitrariedade de uma instituição bancária algo que é definido quando se acorda o crédito. Se assim acontecer, acaba por ser mais seguro aceitar uma taxa fixa do que optar por um spread mais baixo [mas em taxa variável]”, acrescentou.

O economista revelou ainda que as queixas dos consumidores que chegaram à Deco Proteste reportam a três bancos diferentes - BES, Montepio e Millenium BCP –, cujos contratos “apresentam cláusulas muito semelhantes”.

“Várias pessoas enviaram-nos os documentos, o que nos permitiu comprovar as queixas”, disse o responsável, frisando que o maior volume de reclamações ocorreu recentemente, sobretudo durante o passado mês de julho.

A Lusa contactou o Banco de Portugal, mas até ao momento ainda não recebeu esclarecimentos sobre o caso.

in ADVOCATUS 20-08-2010